Merit Badges
Merit badges give scouts the opportunity to investigate different areas of knowledge and skills. The merit badge program plays a major role in the scouting advancement program and participation can begin as soon as a scout registers with the troop. Each scout can explore any topic that interest them. Rank requirements include 21 merit badges to achieve the rank of Eagle. Scouts will work independently, in patrols, and at camps to achieve these merit badges. The Advancement Coordinator can help scouts find an adult merit badge counselors to offer instruction.
Choose a Merit Badge
Available merit badges and workbooks can be found at the following links:
Merit Badges|
Merit Badge Counselor
Connect with a merit badge counselor for the specific merit badge. The counselor will work with the scout and sign off on the Blue Card once the merit badge is completed.
Merit Badge Blue Card
Scouts will complete a Blue Card for the specific merit badge. The card will be completed by the Scout, then signed by the Merit Badge Counselor and then by the Scoutmaster. Once it is completed and all 3 signatures are collected it will be turned into the Advancement Coordinator to be recorded in Scoutbook and awarded at a Court of Honor Ceramony.
* All Blue Cards must be signed by the Merit Badge Counselor to be awarded.
* Merit Badges achieved at summer camp will be submitted to the advancement Coordinator by the camp. If the badge is not completed at camp, you must follow up with a merit badge counselor to get your blue card signed. It is suggested you have your completed workbook to show the merit badge counselor.