Troop 63 Committee
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
The troop committee is made of scouting adults who assist with the supervision and management of the unit. The committee sets troop policies and handles administrative functions. They help provide the resources that the youth leadership need to carry out their plans.
On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; To help other people at all times; To keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.
TRUSTWORTHY. Tell the truth and keep promises. People can depend on you.
LOYAL. Show that you care about your family, friends, scout leaders, school, and country.
​HELPFUL. Volunteer to help others without expecting a reward.
FRIENDLY. Be a friend to everyone, even people who are very different from you.
COURTEOUS. Be polite to everyone and always use good manners.
KIND. Treat others as you want to be treated. Never harm or kill any living thing without good reason.
OBEDIENT. Follow the rules of your family, school, and pack. Obey the laws of your community and country.
CHEERFUL. Look for the bright side of life. Cheerfully do tasks that come your way. Try to help others be happy.
THRIFTY. Work to pay your own way. Try not to be wasteful. Use time, food, supplies, and natural resources wisely.
BRAVE. Face difficult situations even when you feel afraid. Do what you think is right despite what others might be doing or saying.
CLEAN. Keep your body and mind fit. Help keep your home and community clean.
REVERENT. Be reverent toward God. Be faithful in your religious duties. Respect the beliefs of others.
Be Prepared
Do a Good Turn Daily
Charter Organization Rep
The Charter Organization Representative serves the very important role of liaison between our charter organization, Williamston Kiwanis Club and Troop 63.
The Charter Organization Representative maintains names, contact information and emails for the charter organization.
Works with the Committee Chair and Scoutmaster to secure and maintain the Troop’s Scout, Scouter and parent membership documents including: Troop registrations, medical forms, and the annual Troop charter.
Annually, the Charter Organization Rep works with the Committee Chair to submit both Troop charters to the Michigan Crossroads Council through the re-chartering process.
The Charter Organization Rep is BSA trained.
Committee Chair
Organizes the committee to see that all functions are delegated, coordinated, and completed.
Maintains a close relationship with the Chartered Organization Representative and the Scoutmaster and Assistant Scoutmaters.
Interprets national and local policies to the Troop.
Prepares Troop Committee Meeting Agendas.
Presides over monthly Troop Committee Meetings.
Helps secures top-notch trained individuals for campout and Troop leadership.
Ensures that troop leaders and committee members have adequate opportunities for training.
Responsible for BSA Youth Protection Training with the troop.
Facilitates Troop and Eagle Courts of Honor.
Stays up to date on all BSA training to ensure the Troop and youth safety and success.
The chief responsibility of the Scoutmaster is the safety of the Scouts of the Troop.
The Scoutmaster is the adult leader responsible for the image of Troop 63, working with the Senior Patrol Leader and the Patrol Leadership Council to conduct a quality program and to be sure the Troop is operating to best meet the mission and policies of Boy Scouts of America.
One of the Scoutmaster’s main functions is to see that boy leaders are properly trained and to provide guidance to the boy leadership to ensure the Troop is effectively a boy-lead unit. The Scoutmaster serves to coordinate and supervise the Assistant Scoutmasters.
Another important role of the Scoutmaster is to provide and sign blue cards and preform scoutmaster reviews for scouts ranking up.
The Scoutmaster is responsible for assisting in recruiting, fundraising, crossovers, parent & scout orientations, and recharter.
It is most important that the Scoutmaster stays up to date with BSA training for the success of the Troop and safety of the youth.
Scoutmaster Assistant
The Scoutmaster Assistant is responsible for assisting the Scoutmaster with the operation of the Troop and ensuring the Scouts safety.
The Scoutmaster Assistant works with the youth leaders to ensure an adequate and well planned monthly outdoor program including securing permission to use camping sites, coordinating troop transportation, securing tour permits, and promoting outings to Scouts, families and adult leaders.
The Scoutmaster Assistant also works with youth leaders to ensure the edge method is being taught to younger scouts and encourages rank and merit badge achievements.
Scoutmaster Assistant also works as the Troop quartermaster in maintaining the quality, quantity, basic inventory, and function of the Troop’s camping and general equipment, including the Troop Trailer.
To do this, the Scoutmaster Assistant guides and assists youth quartermasters who serve to assign and manage equipment for other members of the Troop during Troop activities and functions.
Together as a team, the quartermasters also clean, repair, organize, and properly store all equipment, as well as the Troop trailer.
Be a liaison between the troop committee and scout parents.
Assist with documentation and all scoutmaster responsibilities.
Provide guidance to scouts in leadership roles of responsibility.
Assist with troop meetings and court of honors.
Stay up to date with BSA training.
Advancement Chair
All advancement activities are managed and recorded by the Advancement Chair. This includes patch distribution, all advancement applications (including Eagle and Eagle Palms), communication with the Council, record keeping in the Scoutbook database, and assisting with Court of Honor programs.
The Advancement Chair works with both the Scoutmaster and the Scout, as well as the Board of Review Committee to encourage Scout rank advancement.
The Advancement Chair is BSA trained and required to stay up to date on all training.
​Keeps minutes of meetings.
Reports prior Committee meeting minutes at each meeting of the Committee.
Conducts the Troop Resource survey.
- The Troop treasurer is a very important Troop Committee position as all Troop financial processes and records are maintained by this individual. Expenses and income, as well as individual Scout Accounts are managed by the Treasurer as are the Troop’s checking and savings accounts.
Scouts check with the Treasurer from time to time in order to determine the balance of their Scout Account and to ensure that they are remaining in good financial standing with the Troop.
The Treasurer gives financial reports at the monthly committee meetings and works with the committee chair to write checks to pay scout and troop fees.
The Treasurer also collects money for all scout and troop activities including fundraisers and camping events.
Social Media Coordinator
​The Social Media Coordinator maintains and updates the Troop’s website – www.troop63mi.com and Facebook page with new and relevant information including event plans and schedules, meeting agendas, the Troop calendar, various Troop and council documents, and general announcements and news.
The Social Media Coordinator also manages Troop 63 Google Groups and Band program which enables an effective means of communication for Scouts, parents, and Scouters.​
Fundraiser Coordinator
Assists the Troop in selecting superior fundraising opportunities.
Recruits Scouts as well as adult leaders and family members to assist with fundraising events and other efforts.
Tracks the income for each of the ongoing fundraising events/opportunities and reports financial information to committee.
Work with the Treasurer to track expenses, income and hours for fundraising events.
Assist scouts with planning and completing the proper paperwork.
Stay up to date on BSA training.
Membership Coordinator
Answer questions regarding scouting in Troop 63 for potential scouts, age and other requirements as well as cost, scouting schedules, activities, meetings, etc.
Coordinate invites for potential scouts to meet the Troop and connect with the Scoutmaster.
Monitor the scouting pin on the BSA join scouting site to assure accurate information is displayed.
Assist potential scouting parents in completing the required documents to join Troop 63.
Assists the Committee Chair with assuring all Troop adults and youth are up to date on all BSA training requirements.
Assists the Troop Committee in keeping track of Troop adults and youth membership in preparation for recharter.
Adventure Coordinator
The Adventure Coordinator serves to plan Scouting experiences that are considered higher adventure and higher risk and are generally for older and more experienced Scouts.
In cooperation with the Troop Committee and youth leadership, the Adventure Coordinator recommends, plans and promotes these experiences including adventures to BSA National High Adventure locations such as Philmont Scout Reservation, Florida Seabase, and Northern Tier Canoe Base.
The Adventure Coordinator orients and trains new adult leaders on the skills, responsibilities, requirements, and certifications for planning, leading, and executing these experiences.
The Adventure Coordinator also plans, organizes, promotes, and executes the annual, week-long Summer Camp program usually held in the summer (June, July or August).
The coordinator oversees all facets of the summer camp program and coordinates with other leaders, organizes the merit badge sign-up process, transportation, budgeting, and planned equipment needs.
Annually, and with support and involvement from the Troop Committee, the location for the summer camp experience is reviewed, researched, and selected.
Board of Review Coordinator
The Board of Review Coordinator works with Scouts looking to finish their rank board of reviews. The coordinator receives the Scouts request for a BoR, then schedules and organizes a group of 3-4 parents and community members to perform the BoR.
Eagle Scout Coach
The Eagle Scout Coach works very closely with all Life rank Scouts that are interested in pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout.
The Eagle Scout Coach will assist the Life Scout in selecting an appropriate Eagle Scout Service project and serve as a mentor during the approval process.
The Eagle Scout Coach mentors and encourages those Life Scouts that are pursuing the rank of Eagle Scout and is BSA trained.
Merit Badge Counselor
- ​Manages/facilitates merit badge presentations to the Troop or individual scouts.
Signs “blue card” for each merit badge presented from the Scout.
Is available to assist with any Scout that is interested in achieving the merit badge they are registered as a counselor for.
Stays up to date with BSA training and annual counselor registration forms.